JC Bunkhouse


There are times when I just want to beat my head against the wall, but I don’t because it contains the only brain I possess! And I am purty sure that some of you think I either don’t use mine or it isn’t very big to start with! –Like the time when I jumped off the 3 wheeler to bulldog an 800 lb. steer because I was tired of chasing him, now what part of my cognitive processes did I use for that? I don’t do that, now. Or how about when I stepped into a pen of buffalo bulls that were fighting over a cow. Never mind. I don’t do that, either.

My struggle today is this: Why do folks feel like they have to get their life straightened out before they can follow Christ? I hear it so many times, and you could have heard it from me in my past; but Jesus tells us to come as we are.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matt 11:28-30, nasb There are folks who will use any excuse in the book for not going to church and/or coming to Christ, but the trouble is “that” book was written by the devil. Know Christ and know the Truth!

If a man, on his own, waits until he has gotten into “spiritual shape,” then he may never get to church or to Jesus. That’s the devil trying to deceive you into thinking you don’t belong before God. And because of sin he would be right, but Jesus came and paid the price for us to be able to come to the Father, just as we are.

Let Jesus do the changing; if you think you first need to let the world (i.e. the devil) change you then you have fallen for one of the evil one’s greatest tricks. And another thing, if the devil keeps wanting to bring up you past then just remind him of his future. And his final future can be found in Revelation 20:10.

Lord I’m not worthy to come before You and worship You. I’ll come when ‘I’ get it worked out.”And I repeat, Christ says we are to come as we are. Just go and He will do the changing.

It’s like this: You might be able to get on a horse and ride him but in order for the horse to know what is required of him, you have to spend time with him. And somebody likely had to “break” him.

When we brokenly come to Jesus and ask Him to be Lord of our lives, we must spend time with Him in order to grow in relationship with Him. But realize that Jesus is always there. We have to make the choice to cultivate our relationship with Him. And we are given the free choice as to whether we will follow Him or reject Him.

Jesus wants you to come just as you are! He will change you!

Choose Jesus, choose life! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! And y’all KEEP PRAYIN’ for RAIN! Amen