JC Bunkhouse


Where Are You Going?


The story goes something like this: There was this small country church that didn’t have many folks attending. So, the pastor, with help from church leadership, decided to have one of them good old-fashioned revivals. The church building was small as they only had eight pews, and they were always full. So, they rented a good-size former circus tent.

The guest preacher was standing up there, and after having preached hellfire and brimstone for a good while he paused and then said, “How many of you good folk want to go to Heaven?” Pert’ neer everyone who had gathered under the canvas that night raised their hands and/or stood up. The preacher was perplexed though, because there was this one seasoned cowboy who just sat there and looked as if though he was praying. This went on for a while and finally the man singled out the cowboy. He asked him, “Cowboy, don’t you want to go to heaven?” Don’t you love God? Do you not understand Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that no man come to the Father except through Jesus Christ our Savior?

“Yep, I do, I do understand all that, and I believe it!” replied the cowboy.

“Well, you look like you’ve been a settin’ back here prayin’ the whole time. Just what is it you’ve been praying so intently about that would keep you from standing up and agreein’ with these good folks here that you want to go to heaven?”

The cowboy had this to say: “I love the Lord with all my heart. I believe that Jesus is Savior and Lord of my life. I invited Him in a few years back out under the stars on a trail drive. It was after I had been a readin’ in the Bible a fellow cowboy known as the “Preacher” had given me. Preacher even baptized me in that same river.”

“The reason I didn’t stand up is because I was convinced you was wanting to take a wagon train load this very night. Preacher, you always shared with a kind, gentle voice. But you got a little loud tonight. I want to go, but I ain’t wanting to go tonight unless He takes me. So that’s why I never stood up.”

I have to ask myself, “Have I done what the Lord has called me to do in sharing Christ with all who need Him? Have I told ‘em there’s just one way to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ? Do I sound more like the cowboy’s friend he called Preacher, or do I sound like that travelin’ preacher who spoke that night?”

I do believe Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father in heaven except through the Son! There is no other way there is no other living god. God is God! Have I told them that? Have I told them about how awesome that relationship is when one becomes a part of the family of God? Did I remember to tell them He went to the cross because He loves them? Have I told them salvation is available only in Christ Jesus? Have I told them that baptism is a public profession of that faith? And that Jesus requires us to be baptized and always remember His body and the blood He shed. And that He did it all for us because He loves us? Do I represent Christ in the life I live so that, no matter what if I never say a word, they can still see Christ in me? And there’s so much more! Where are you headed?

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! And hey, y’all let us all be of one accord and pray for some RAIN on this parched land! Amen.