JC Bunkhouse


New Plan

Well, do y’all have any big changes planned for this new year 2024? I could say things like I am going to make money in business. I’m gonna fix things up and straighten some other things. I’m gonna get healthy and choose a better shape. Oh yeah, and I need to help my fellow man. Wait a minute…. Hasn’t that been a part of my plan every year for the last several years? And shouldn’t I always be helping others? There seems to be a problem with all of this!

'Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.' (Isaiah 43:18-19 nasb) God wants to do something new but all we want to do it just keep digging up the old. It’s like God says “Let go of the past. I am doing something new, so pay attention!”

When we get ready to do something worthwhile, we must ask, “Is it my idea or is it God’s? We all know this, but we sort of forget. And then at times it actually is God’s idea, but we try to take the credit for it.

Whatever our new resolutions might be, we need to ask the question, “God, is this here what You want me to do?” But if it isn’t in His plans for you… then what?

WELL… I tell Him about it and get Him to come along side me. Then it will be awright, ‘cause I’m gwanna (short for going to want to) do it. After all, I should get to set a plan and follow through on my own every now and then, shouldn’t I? “NO!”

But why do we run off and try something new without first running it by the Boss. I reckon that we often just go ahead and do it and ask forgiveness later. It’s not a good plan!

We get involved in doin’ things that are awright and even somewhat worthwhile from our own earthly perspective, but is it what God truly wants us to do?

The sad thing about it is that we tend to go back to bein’ the same person we’ve always been because, under our own power and initiative, resolutions are hard to keep.

Resolutions are hard to keep because they are usually something that we decide to do on our own. If we want to see a change goin’ into 2024, we need to get on the same page with God!

“But how do I do that? I don’t think He listens to me.” Well, He hears you, but it’s more like you are not tuned in to Him. Or maybe you pushed the mute button on your receiver because you weren’t sure what He desires for you to do would line up with what you want to do.

Prayer is not prayer if it is not 2-way communication. What if we were to decide to spend more time in prayer, and especially on the receiving side? Sounds like a good plan!

God sent His Son! Immanuel—God with us! His name is Jesus! He can take the broken and fix ‘em up good as new! It’s time to listen! And it’s time we quit hirin’ out to the world and start ridin’ for Jesus!

Choose Jesus, choose life! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! And y’all please KEEP PRAYIN’ for RAIN! Amen