What if We Replaced Our Cell Phones With a Bible?


Have you ever wondered or given much though as to what would happen if you replaced your cell phone with a Bible. What would happen if we treated the Bible the same way we do our phone?

I was watching a program on TV just the other day and they said that 72% of all young people are addicted to their cell phone. The key word there is addicted and that 28% sleep with it in their hand. I wouldn’t think that adults are much different. The host of the show stated that certain states were considering opening up treatment centers, called detox centers in order to get detoxed from the use of cell phones. I also read that only 26% of the population of the United States reads their Bibles daily and only 24% read it weekly. The ones that read it weekly are probably the ones that pick it up from the coffee table on Sunday morning when they leave for church and upon returning home lay if back on the table and don’t touch it again until next week. In 2018 it was reported that 35% of the population never read the Bible at all, yet there are over 20 million Bibles sold each year. What are people doing with them, laying them on the table?

But think about the following questions:

What would happen if you carried the Bible around in your purse or in your pocket?

What if we turned back to get it when we got in the car started to back out of the driveway and discovered we didn’t have it with us?

What if we were to flip through it several times a day?

What if we used it to receive or send messages from the text.

What if we treated it like something we couldn’t live without?

What if we gave it to kids as a gift?

What if we used it as we traveled, like our road map or GPS and let it give us directions? By the way it does give directions for us in life.

What if we used it in case of an emergency?

What if we upgraded it to get the latest version? Folks, you have the latest version. God’s Word never changes.

All those questions should be something that makes you go…hmmm…where is my Bible?

Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. Unlike our cell phones, we don’t ever have to worry about our Bibles being disconnected or the bill going up, because Jesus has already paid the bill.

So folks, let me encourage you to read the Bible daily. It will help you through your troubles, give you comfort, renew your mind so you can know God’s will, it will nourish you, it will give you discernment, it will instruct you, it contains the power to overcome, and it will reveal to you God’s promises. It will help guide you through the rough spots in life you may come upon. There is a tremendous power available to us in God’s Word, so read it. If you have read it before, read it again, and again after that. Every time you read it you will find something you missed the time before.