“The Runaway”

  • “The Runaway”
    “The Runaway”

Needing play-around money, as all teenagers do, three industrious farm boys decided to create their own hay-hauling crew one summer. So they made a plan. One boy would drive as another loaded the hay, while the third teen would stack it onto their borrowed truck.

Very important that you note the ‘borrowed.’

All worked well until the fateful cloudy day when one of these enterprising young men simply didn’t show up, which created a huge problem. Hay left waiting in the field is not too accommodating, and the owner of said field even less. This is because hay not stacked in a dry barn can be ruined by an untimely rain. And ruined hay costs the owner an enormous amount of money. Leaving hay-haulers to face a very furious farmer.

So that morning, the two boys were checking their watches and the thickening clouds, slapping their work gloves on the fence, and kicking dirt clods in frustration. Finally, they realized they had no choice but to get creative. So, they decided to replace Absent Aaron with a rock balanced strategically on the gas pedal - freeing them to load and stack. Absolute genius!