

January 4, 2022

The Walters City Council met in regular session at 5:00 p.m. on January 4, 2022 in the Walters City Hall. Those present were Mayor Richard Anderson, Vice-Mayor David Mitchell, Councilmen Clint Thurman, Bob Nance and Byrum W. Eidson. City Manager Shawn Strange; City Clerk Sheri Davis, and Attorney Hyman Copeland.

Jack Jacob opened the meeting with prayer. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Visitors present were: County Commissioner Mike Woods, Lynne Adene Thompson, Sherri Flanagan, Debra Horridge, Christian Thomas, Accounts Payable Clerk Karla Eschiti, Stephanie & Benny Smallwood, Linda Moore, K.J. Corey, Tony Fannon, Brenda Dowlen, Karen Price, Patricia Wakins, Gerald & Sue Hayes, Gina Suson, Fire Chief David Taylor, Street Superintendent Bruce Finney, Regina Wahnee, Levi McGreger, Philip Eddy, Allen Day, Roberta Ellis, Code Enforcement Officer Candy Simms, Jack Jacob, Russ Stehle, Lonnie Dye, MaryAnn Holman, Mary Billings, Kay Piatt, Jim Booher, Justin Stevens, Monte Brown, Accounts Receivable/ Court Clerk Ashley Williams, Shannon Yarbrough, Doug Parrish, Johnny & Lisa Skinner, Haley Smith, Pat Tilley, Sharlene & Edward Eschiti, Jeff Welden, Ben Lehew, Leslie Williams, Amanda Williams, Edgar Stevenson, William Rhodes, Roger Noland, Tim King, Jimmy Gallaher, Gary Whittington and Tucker Clem.

Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order and made an announcement that this is a regular scheduled council meeting, not a public hearing and there will be no public participation at this time. Public participation will be addressed at a later date.

Item #3—Bob Nance made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Clint Thurman seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Mitchell, Eidson, Anderson

Nays: None Approval of December 7, 2021 regular City Council

Approval of December 7, 2021 regular City Council meeting.

Approval of purchase orders and signing of checks for all City funds presented at the 1-4-2022 council meeting and ratification of routine checks subsequent to the 12-7-2021 regular council meeting.

Mayor Anderson moved to Item #8, Bob Nance made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the contract of the City Manager. Clint Thurman seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Mitchell, Eidson, Anderson

Nays: None

Clint Thurman made a motion to come out of executive session and go back into regular session. Bob Nance seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Mitchell, Eidson, Anderson Nays: None

Nays: None

City Attorney Hyman Copeland stated that nothing was discussed except for what was on the agenda.

Clint Thurman made a motion to re-new the City Managers contract with the changes discussed. Bob Nance seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Mitchell, Anderson

Nays: Eidson

Item #4—Approval of Resolution No. #864. This is a Resolution OMPA would like for the City to approve. No action was taken on this item due to the Council would like to have a little more knowledge of this before approval.

Item #5—Wes Eidson made a motion to approve the Planning and Zoning meeting minutes from the December 13, 2021 regular meeting. David Mitchell seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Eidson, Mitchell, Anderson Nays: None

Nays: None

Item #6— Bob Nance made a motion to approve the minutes for the Board of Adjustments meeting from December 20, 2021. Wes Eidson seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Eidson, Mitchell, Anderson

Nays: None

Item #7—Wes Eidson made a motion to approve the reappointment of Roberta Ellis and Linda Thompson to the Board of Adjustments with term expiring January 16, 2025. Clint Thurman seconded the motion.

The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Eidson, Mitchell, Anderson

Nays: None

Item #9— Accounts payable clerk Karla Eschiti gave all council a check register of all checks signed. They also had a cash report showing how much money was still on the books after checks being signed.

Item #11—There was no City Managers report.

There was no new business.

Purchase orders were approved and the following checks signed.









There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to go into the regular session of the WPWA meeting.


January 4, 2022

The Walters Public Works Authority met in regular session at 5:00 p.m. on January 4, 2021 in the City Hall in Walters. Those present were Mayor Richard Anderson, Vice-Mayor David Mitchell, Councilmen Clint Thurman, Bob Nance and Byrum W. Eidson. City Clerk Sheri Davis. Attorney Hyman Copeland had to get to another meeting and City Manager Shawn Strange had to leave for a family emergency.

Visitors present were: County Commissioner Mike Woods, Lynne Adene Thompson, Sherri Flanagan, Debra Horridge, Christian Thomas, Accounts Payable Clerk Karla Eschiti, Stephanie & Benny Smallwood, Linda Moore, K.J. Corey, Tony Fannon, Brenda Dowlen, Karen Price, Patricia Wakins, Gerald & Sue Hayes, Gina Suson, Fire Chief David Taylor, Street Superintendent Bruce Finney, Regina Wahnee, Levi McGreger, Philip Eddy, Allen Day, Roberta Ellis, Code Enforcement Officer Candy Simms, Jack Jacob, Russ Stehle, Lonnie Dye, MaryAnn Holman, Mary Billings, Kay Piatt, Jim Booher, Justin Stevens, Monte Brown, Accounts Receivable/ Court Clerk Ashley Williams, Shannon Yarbrough, Doug Parrish, Johnny & Lisa Skinner, Haley Smith, Pat Tilley, Sharlene & Edward Eschiti, Jeff Welden, Ben Lehew, Leslie Williams, Amanda Williams, Edgar Stevenson, William Rhodes, Roger Noland, Tim King, Jimmy Gallaher, Gary Whittington and Tucker Clem.

Item #3—Bob Nance made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Clint Thurman seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Eidson, Mitchell, Anderson

Nays: None Approval of December 7, 2021 regular WPWA meeting

Approval of December 7, 2021 regular WPWA meeting minutes.

Approval of purchase orders and signing of checks for all WPWA funds presented at the 1-4-2022 WPWA meeting and ratification of routine checks subsequent to the 12-7-2021 regular WPWA meeting.

Item #4— No action on the approval of Resolution No. 864 due to Council needing more information before this is considered.

Iten #5— Clint Thurman made a motion to re-new the City Managers contract with the changes discussed. Bob Nance seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Nance, Thurman, Mitchell, Anderson

Nays: Eidson Accounts payable clerk Karla Eschiti gave all of council a check register of all checks signed. They also had a cash report showing how much money was still on the books after checks being signed.

There was no City Managers report.

There was no new business to report.

Purchase orders were approved and the following checks signed.



There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.





