Time to Choose!


Well, it would seem, according to the temperature lows predicted this week, there is a changing of the season in the air. I am wondering where my work jackets are! We are still a few weeks from seeing the clocks change, and that could be the subject for another article. Yep, there is definitely an indication of change in the air, and I don’t think I am the only one who has noticed it. The cows are all feelin’ the change. All the animals are feelin’ it. I know that my joints are feeling it every time a front comes through.

God set forth the changing of the seasons so the cycle of life can continue. Now, scientifically, I know there is a lot more we can attribute to it than just the seasons changing. It has to do with the rotation and orbit of the earth and all sorts of things. But God set it all forth. God created…well, God created everything and put it all into motion! Read in Genesis 1!

IT IS TIME. What does that mean to you? Time to do what? Time to take a nap? Maybe it means time to go fishin’?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a says, “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven — A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant… (nasb) Whoa!

Now folks, I have been taking special notice of late about that time to plant thing. And what works out good one year maybe ain’t so good the next time. One year will be dry, another year will be wet, and another year will be both! But when October gets here, it is time to plant some wheat in southwest Oklahoma.

It’s a similar thing with turning your life over to Jesus Christ, except we may not have another time! There is a time and if you haven’t yet made Jesus in charge of your life, then do it now. Give your life to Jesus and follow Him!

But you tell God something like this, “I just want to do my own thing for a while! I’ll let you have my life as soon as I am done with this other stuff.”

Friend, that later time may just be too late. There is a time for all things and now is the time to turn your life over to Christ. Just as there will come a time when it will be too late to put the seed in the ground, there will come a time when it is too late to give your life to Christ. And we never know when that time will be, so don’t procrastinate. There have been years when it didn’t ever start raining until it

was too late to plant the seed into moisture and there have been years when it never stopped raining long enough to get into the muddy fields to plant.

Now is the time! Jesus went to the cross for your sins and for mine. He desires a relationship with you. I am quite sure that if you turn the reins of your life over to Him, that He will be able to handle your life a whole lot better than you can.

Yes, turning your life over to Jesus will no doubt bring about change, but it will mean changing

to an awesome relationship in Him. And when you invite Jesus, you get all of Him! God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit! What an awesome relationship, it’s a 3fer special deal! It’s time!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You don’t have to get your life straightened out first. Come to Jesus just as you are, and He will help you turn your life around. That’s what He does!

And some sweet day, you will get to be with Him celebrating in Heaven! That is truly awesome!

Choose life eternal…Come to Jesus! It is time! That’s all for now, it’s time to plant!

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you

“fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’

for HIS HARVEST! And pray for rain!