Take a Step Up!


Who are the most happy people? Some would say happiest.

Those of you who are readin’ this and are well off financially … Are you happy? Bro. James talks about this in James 1.

I can tell you if wealth is all you have then you are lacking.

How about the poor? No, being without money doesn’t make you happy either. Rich or poor, there is no contentment!

Well, I guess the most content people are the ones who are without either one. It just seems to go together. If that makes sense then you get the prize.

Paul learned to be content in his surroundings. He did most of his writing within the confines of a jail cell.

Paul told the church at Philippi to that we need to not only trust God with our needs, but we need to be satisfied with what He provides.

Here is an example of how to get robbed of your happiness you have with Christ: You are sitting at the church gatherin’. It’s July. The air conditioning isn’t working. It’s hot, muggy. You are tryin’ to keep your mind off the temperature and on the message. “Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. He died on that cross for….” Then a familiar sound comes through the windows. It’s the music coming from a pickup drivin’ by. “All my rowdy friends are comin over tonight.”

In seconds our minds have drifted from the gift of eternal salvation to the old ways of partyin’ and causin’ trouble. We need to recognize that there are many “good ole’ hell raisin’” temptations that rob us of our contentment and happiness in Christ.

But the trouble is when our desire to get ahead or be “happy” in the moment causes us to neglect our fellowship and walk with the Lord and our families and our church, then there is a serious problem.

I believe it’s a love problem. Love God first! - As long as we are more concerned about glorifying God and seeking Him above all else then our contentment in Christ shall be realized.

“Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13-14 nasb) Contentment begins with knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior and continues as we keep ridin’ the trail for Him.

A man once said, “I don’t have any boots, and I complained a lot until I met a man with no feet.” We must be able to make the best of a difficult situation. That is a bit extreme but true. Paul learned to endure whatever hardships came his way. And he learned to use his adversities to serve Christ.

Remember the story of the donkey that fell in the well? They shoveled dirt on him in order to just bury him, but every time a shovel full came down he shook it off and took a step up.

Life is gonna shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the hole you’re in is to just shake it off and take a step up.

Never give up, shake it off and take a step up.