Looking Back


The Walters Herald

Apr. 15, 1937

Gordon Morrow will open a new radio and appliance store on South Broadway called Electrolux Sales Co. Morrow, who has been associated with Harley-Pearson for several years, will be half owner and manager of the new business with Ralph Pearson...Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baldwin and Bob Allen will return the latter part of the week from Detroit, Mich., where they went the first of the week to purchase a new Stinson five-passenger airplane... Dr. W. L. Harris is in a Duncan hospital suffering from a fractured spine received in an automobile wreck a month ago. Dr. Harris’ neck and shoulders have been placed in a cast.

The Walters Herald

Apr. 12, 1962

County commissioners Friday appointed Lawrence (Larry) Milwood, of Walters, to complete the unexpired term of Dorothy Milwood, county treasurer, whose death occurred Tuesday of last week...Jim Hooser Motor Co. now open for business at 202 W. Missouri...Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chemah, Lawton, have chosen the name Teresa Rae for their daughter born April 2. Grandparents are Mrs. Flossie Chemah, and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fincher, all of Walters...Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tarpley, of Devol, are the parents of a baby boy named Harry Arnold, born April 3 in a Wichita Falls hospital...Delegates chosen to go to Girls’ State at Chickasha this year were Sharon Milwood and Jackie Witt. Delegates chosen to go to Boys’ State at Norman were Kenny White and Steve Cain.

The Walters Herald

Apr. 15, 1982

Danny and Candra Marlett announce the arrival of a son, David Cooper, burn April 2. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Cooper, of Walters, and Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Marlett, of Binger...LaDonna Faye Walters and Stanley Paul Good exchanged wedding vows Saturday, March 20, in the Calvary Baptist church in Walters. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walters. The groom is the son of Glen Good, of Temple, and Berma Thomas, of Wichita Falls... Mrs. May Rhoads, Randlett, has undertaken the job of writing the news for the Randlett area for the Herald. Mrs. C. O. Wilson previously was the columnist for that area.

The Temple Tribune

July 24, 1958

Mrs. M. L. Tucker is reportedly in satisfactory condition after sustaining a fractured hip in a fall Sunday evening at her home...Capt. and Mrs. Carl Dolman, and Linda, are spending a vacation with Capt. Dolman’s mother, Mrs. Roy Dolman, and other relatives. Capt. Dolman is with the legal department of the air force stationed at Columbus, Miss.