Looking Back


The Walters Herald

Mar. 11, 1937

Thirty-five Walters residents will participate in portions of the Easter pageant, to be held in the Wichita mountains at Lawton, March 28. Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. McAnaw will be Joseph and Mary in the Christmas scene. Other residents will play angels and sing in the chorus...Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin, of the Ahpeatone community, are the parents of a new baby girl, Shirley Jo, born March 5...Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gardner are the parents of a son, Gary Dean, born Saturday, March 6... Mr. and Mrs. John Berry are the parents of a baby girl, born Thursday, March 4.

The Walters Herald

Mar. 8, 1962

Organization of Teen Town in Walters was perfected last week. Officers include: Ron Minton, president; Pat Hooser, vice president; Betty Jo Washington, secretary; Kay Brown, Ditmar Caudle, Gene Holt, Benny Priddy and Sally Roberts, members. Adult advisory group is composed of Mrs. Ted Southward, Mrs. Ferrell Phillips, Mrs. Worth Grigsby, Mrs. Henry Preston, Lloyd Marlett, Jack Sanderson, Billy Boyer and Johnnie Penn. The group has rented a building at 128 E. Colorado...Caddell Transit Co., successor to Pickett Brothers Truck Line, will close its operation in Walters by next week, and move to Lawton...A marriage license was issued to J. C. Faulkner, 51, and Billie Ann Dyer, 44, both of Walters...Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tinsley and children, who have been stationed in Hawaii for three years, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Avis Wood, and other relatives in Devol. Jackie Wood, of the U. S. Navy, is also home on leave.

The Walters Herald

Mar. 11, 1982

A baby boy was born to Gary and Shari Darnell, of Phoenix, Ariz. He has been named Joshua Henry. Paternal grandparents are Jack and Leta Darnell, of Walters. Maternal grandparents are Robert and Sara Schapp, of Milwaukee, Wisc...Jill Ashley Scherler was born March 2 to Stanley and Kimberlie Scherler. Maternal grandparents are Sylvia Smith, of Walters, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith, of Comanche. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Scherler of Walters.

The Temple Tribune

June 19, 1958

Miss Lois Howell became the bride of Harold Pete Gunn Wednesday, June 11, at Wichita Falls. They will establish their home in the Temple area...A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kermit C. Langford, Saturday, June 14, in a Wichita Falls hospital. He has been named Phillip Curtis. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Langford. Maternal grandfather is Warren Jarrett, Temple.