Looking Back


The Walters Herald Dec. 3, 1936

Thurman Graham was elected commander of the Temple post of the American Legion Monday night...Mr. Henry Lee had quite a loss last Saturday evening about 5:30 p.m., when his home burned to the ground. It was almost a total loss. Mr. Lee lives two miles east and one north of Fairview #99...C. L. Adams purchased the Help Yourself laundry at 118 E. Colorado...Grace and Webb Cunningham have leased Bray’s Cafe... Miss Mildred Monroe became the bride of Clyde Parks, Friday, Nov. 20, at Anadarko. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Monroe of the Keeter community. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parks of Walters...Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams, of the Roosevelt community, are parents of a son, born Wednesday, Dec. 2... Dear Santa, Please bring me a BB gun, some skates and a pack knife. Howard Gover, Pecan Grove #119.

The Walters Herald Nov. 30, 1961

Consolidation of Parrish Insurance Agency and Post Insurance Agency in Walters will be effective December 1. Frank and Max Parrish, father and son, will take over the operation of Joe and Ruby Post, father and son, on that date. The Parrish agency was started in Walters in 1939 by Frank Parrish, while Joe Post got into the insurance business by purchase of an agency in operation here several years later. Max Parrish joined his father in 1952...Alvin Briscoe, of Walters, will become undersheriff of Cotton county on Friday, December 1. Briscoe will succeed Kenneth Byars... Mr. and Mrs. Travis Swinford, of Pampa, Texas, have chosen the name Joan Dannett for their daughter born Friday, November 24. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Leon Bennett, and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Elizabeth Swinford, all of Walters.

The Walters Herald Dec. 3, 1981 At the close of the meeting of county commissioners

At the close of the meeting of county commissioners Monday morning, all three of the elected officiala, Kenneth Kirkpatrick, J. Marvin (Hoss) Williams, and Theodore Jones, submitted their resignations, thus ending months of speculation as to if and when Cotton county would be effected by the statewide sweep of the FBI investigation into county purchasing practices of commissioners. The three officers said they had agreed to plead guilty to one count of federal tax evasion-mail fraud and will be cooperating with federal investigators. In the meantime, the governor has announced his appointment of Al Thomas, Walters, and Bill Bentley, Temple, to fill two of the vacant seats... James and Debbie Copeland, of Oklahoma City, announce the arrival of a daughter, Amy Rachelle, born November 14. Paternal grandparents are Glendal Copeland and Betty Copeland, of Oklahoma City. Maternal grandparents are Thelmer and Reba Hutcheson, of Walters...Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Cleo Martin will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary Saturday, December 13, with a reception at the Walters Community Center. The former Mary Tom Fowler and Jimmie Cleo Martin were married December 24, 1931, by Rev. McConnely of the First Christian church...Cofer Cafe is now open in Temple... Bobby and Brenda Sides announce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Gale, born November 17. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sides. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morris, all of Walters... Arnold and Mabel Whitehead celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary Sunday, November 29, with a reception held in the Temple Lions Den.

The Temple Tribune Mar. 13, 1958

Jack Rodolph has assumed sole ownership of Rodolph Chevrolet Co., succeeding his father, Willis Rodolph, who was Chevrolet dealer for 31 years in Temple...Mabre (Monk) Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Simpson, Temple, an employee of Caltex Oil Co., is one of the many Americans who work for Caltex near Parkangburn, Sumatra. The field produces 150,000 barrels of oil per day on the island. Caught in the middle of the civil war there, the oil company and its employees are trying to remain neutral...Mrs. W. T. King celebrated her 87th birthday Sunday with a birthday dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Hooker.