First Baptist Church


Running the Race


In Hebrews 12:1-3, the writer of the book says,

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

As we enter 2022, we need the same encouragement and challenge the writer was giving his audience. First, he said that they have a great crowd of witnesses. In Hebrews 11, he provided a list of well-known figures from the Bible who followed God and had faith in Him. They were not perfect and many of them made serious mistakes, but they followed God. Imagine this group of people crossing the finish line only to go into the stands to turn and cheer on the next racers. People like Noah, Moses, Abraham, Enoch, and others are there to remind us that the race is runnable and cand be successfully finished.

Since they have shown us the race, how are we to proceed? We are to remove anything from our life that holds us back from serving God with all our hearts. Notice the writer is not talking about sin in this first part of the phrase because he says to remove the encumbrance AND sin. What is it that is holding you back from giving God your all? Hobbies, interests, workaholism, debt, or something else? We need to get those things out of our lives or at least make them subservient to the interest of following and obeying Jesus with all we have and own. As you enter 2022, what needs to be removed, or moved in priority so that you can follow God with all your heart?

Next, the writer has us look not at the morally neutral items holding us back, but from sin. Sometimes we find that we love our sin more than our Savior. We would never say that because we are good church people, but Romans 6 says whoever you serve is the master you choose. Notice the writer of Hebrews says it is THE sin that so easily entangles? This means that he had a specific sin in mind. What would that sin be? I believe the context demands us to see the main sin in mind as unbelief or doubt that results in following others in place of God. What area of your life is more characterized by unbelief than belief? Perhaps your desire to get along with people has caused you to compromise your faith. Maybe you do not trust God to provide, so you have been stealing from Him your tithes and offerings. If we want to run the race of grace in 2022, we need to confess and turn away from these known sins trusting that if we confess our sins, He will forgive us (1 John 1:9)

Next, he says to run the race with endurance. The last couple of years have been very difficult to say the least. Many of our support systems have been removed or revealed to be inadequate. We have been faced with loss, displacement, delays, and shortages. We have been frustrated and fearful. And moreover, we have been more divided than most of us have experienced recently in our lives. And how do we respond? We are tired. The race is hard to live for Jesus when facing all we are facing. Yes, others have faced worse, but the struggle is real for us, too. In 2022, how can you return to living for Jesus with all your heart? You are tired, but how can you continue to run? By seeking Him constantly Who is running ahead of you.

Lastly, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. When we begin to lean on other things or people, they will not hold us up because they were not designed to do so. As you enter 2022, how can you return your focus to Jesus?

Let me offer one final suggestion. Using these encouragements, what is one, specific, personal, challenging, but achievable goal that you can set for the coming year? It must be specific, challenging, achievable, measurable, and for you personally. Write your goal down and share it with a friend so that you can move into 2022 running the race and not just sitting in the stands.

Happy New Year!