First Baptist Church


I’m A Good Person!

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people respond with this when asked why they think they are going to heaven. I recently came across a book by John Piper. The title is What Jesus Demands from the World. It is published by Crossway books and is dated 2006. In this book, Piper lists 50 demands that Jesus makes through the gospel accounts. I am going to list these demands as a means of allowing us to see a non-exhaustive checklist of what it would take to be good enough to make it to heaven. How do you measure up? You must…

1. Be born again.

2. Repent from your sin.

3. Come to Jesus.

4. Believe in Jesus.

5. Love Jesus.

6. Listen to Jesus.

7. Abide in Jesus.

8. Take up your cross and follow Jesus.

9. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

10. Rejoice and leap for joy.

11. Fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.

12. Worship God in spirit and truth.

13. Always pray and do not lose heart.

14. Not be anxious about the necessities of life or the threats of man.

15. Humble yourself in childlikeness, servanthood and brokenhearted boldness.

16. Not be angry – trust God’s providence and embrace mercy and forgiveness.

17. Do the will of my Father Who is in Heaven – Be justified by trusting Jesus.

18. Strive to enter through the narrow door, for Jesus fulfills the New Covenant.

19. Have your righteousness exceed that of the Pharisees – Clean the inside of the cup.

20. Love your enemies to show that you are a child of God.

21. Love your neighbor as yourself, for this is the law and prophets.

22. Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven by giving sacrificially and generously.

23. Not take an oath – let what you say be simply yes or no.

24. Not separate what God has joined together for marriage.

25. Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.

26. Do this in remembrance of Jesus, for He will build His Church.

27. Baptize disciples and eat the Lord’s Supper.

28. Let your light shine before others that they may glorify your Father Who is in heaven.

29. Joyfully sacrifice in suffering for love.

30. Make disciples of all nations.

How did you do? If this checklist makes you thankful that you are safely in God’s arms and headed towards an eternity with Him, why not take time today to thank Him for making this possible. If not, why not join Him today? You can find more information by visiting