First Baptist Church


How Has God Changed Your Life?


Yes, that might seem like a strange question. Let me explain where this question comes from so that you will be able to answer the question adequately.

I run into people all the time that tell me they are Christians. They will tell me stories about how they went to church as a child. They will tell me about praying a prayer with a preacher, Sunday School teacher, or some other significant adult in their life. They might even tell me about how much they used to go to church or all the ministry they did when they were teens, young adults, adults, or some other period of life. They might even tell me that they used to be a Christian, but are doing their own thing right now, but they will get back to being a Christian later.

Sadly, most people, when asked this question, do not even understand the question, let alone how to answer it. When I ask this question, I want to know how your relationship with Jesus is changing your life right now? Matthew was a tax collector who collected no more taxes. Peter was a fisherman who Jesus turned into a fisher of men. Saul was a Rabbi who was so zealous for the Law that he killed Christians for claiming Jesus to be God. He became a believer, missionary, writer, and church leader. All these men took seriously Jesus’ call to, “Come, follow me!”

I used to be a drunken sailor with a foul mouth. I had stolen, committed adultery, and constantly used people to prop me up because I did not believe I was ever enough. I no longer drink. I have not touched a drop of alcohol since 1992 (okay, so I gargle with Listerine©). I no longer even think curse words. I have not stolen anything in many years (again, maybe a pen from the bank, but I just forgot to put it back). I am deeply committed to and appreciative of my wife. We have been married for over 30 years. Those are the conquered sins.

I still struggle with feeling adequate for life. I am not the father, husband, pastor, man, or Christian I want to be. When I get down about any or all of these, God confirms me and encourages me by reminding me that I am not who I am going to be, but I also am not who I used to be. God is at work in me. (Phil 1:6)

So, have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Have you repented of yours sins and placed your faith in what Jesus Christ did for you when He died on the cross? Have you made that decision public through baptism? Are you striving to know God and His Word so that it transforms your daily life, speech, spending, speeding, and spelunking for meaning? How so?

How has God changed your life? How is God changing your life? Many people think of following Jesus as the finish line. They think, “Good. Now that I am a Christian, I am holy and forgiven and there is nothing left to do or accomplish.” That could not be further from the truth. While the decision to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior is paramount, there is much else that must be decided and it must be decided faithfully each day. How is God changing your life right now?

Can you point to a way that others would say is proof that you are less focused on yourself and more focused on others?

Does the way you spend your money tell others that Jesus is your Lord? Do you give 10% of your gross income to your church? Do you give offerings above that? Do you also help people when you see legitimate needs?

Do you hunger for the Word of God? Do you feel incomplete on those days when you can’t spend time reading, studying, meditating upon, and memorizing God’s Word?

Do you pray? When was the last time you fasted and prayed?

Do you tell others about Jesus?

Or are you just everyone else?

How has God changed your life?

How do you want Him to?