Cotton County Wrestling Club Attend OKUSA Wrestling State Tournament

  • Coach Shelby Henning, Laney Henning, Riley Ivie, Natalee Evans
    Coach Shelby Henning, Laney Henning, Riley Ivie, Natalee Evans
  • Laney after winning her State Title Match
    Laney after winning her State Title Match

Congratulations to the Cotton County Wrestling Club and coach Shelby Henning. He took 4 wrestlers to the OKUSA Wrestling State Tournament and had a great run. With 3 of them placing!

Laney Henning-Girls 8u, 70 lbs, State Champion!

Riley Ivie-Boys 12u, 88 lbs, 3rd Place!

Natalee Evans-Girls 10u Heavy Weight, 4th Place!
