Calvary Baptist Church


God’s Grand Plan

1 Thessalonians 5: 23 & 24 says: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray god your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it.”

It is amazing but true that God’s grand plan for your life is far greater than you can imagine. In fact, this earth – bound existence has us so preoccupied with the demands of life that most of us give little though to what it will mean to be completely sanctified.

In the Christian life, sanctification is a three – stage process. At the moment of salvation, God sets us apart for Himself. Then throughout the rest of our earthly life, He works to transform us into the image of His Son. One day, however, there will be a glorious culmination to our sanctification. Presently, we all struggle with sin, but when we die, our spirits and souls will ascend to heaven and be completely sinless. Then we’ll see our Savior face to face and experience unimaginable joy. No longer will we struggle with the pride of life ort the lust of the flesh and the eyes (john 2: 16).

However, as great as this will be, it’s not yet the final step. Some day in the future, Jesus will descend from heaven, bringing with Him the souls of those who have died in Christ. They will be united with their resurrected bodies, and believers who are still alive on the earth will be changed. Then Sanctification will be complete – spirit, soul, and body.

It is not a fairy tell, but the believer appointed destiny. God Himself promises to bring it to pass. We’ll walk in His presence, spotless and without blame, for all eternity. Knowing this, how will you live today? The promise of salvation isn’t meant just to give hope, but to spur us on the holy living.

Make God’s Word your trusted source of guidance and direction by studying it daily and obeying it continually. When He sees us walking by His truth, it pleases the Lord.

As you read the Scripture each day, look at God’s instructions. Then with reliance upon the Holy Spirit, commit to do what He tells you. When you obey His voice, He’ll reveal deeper truths, and your understanding will grow. Soon your time in the Word will become a delight instead of a duty.