Looking Back


Jan. 13, 1938

Byron Gardner and B. L. Coppick will now manage the Conoco Service Station No. 1, just north of the Southwest Appliance Co., formerly operated by Lafie Goodwin...Miss Opal Thorne and Leon Bennett were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride’s brother, J. B. Thorne. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thorne, of Kingston, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bennett, of Walters, and is associated in business with his father, who is manager of Boyer Courts and Bennett’s Cafe... The marriage of Miss Martha Mae Luke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Luke, to Webster Lewallen was an event of January 1 in the Methodist parsonage in Walters. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lewallen, also of Walters... Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pierce, of the Pleasant Valley community, are the parents of a son, LeRoy...Miss Louraine Jones, a graduate of Ahpeatone in 1936, and a sister of R. B. Jones, became the bride of Ray Mills, of Reydon, on New Year’s day... Miss Nell Fielding, of Pleasant Valley community, recently became the bride of Marvin Robison.

The Walters Herald Jan. 10, 1963

Dana Collins, two and one-half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benny Collins, of Lawton, will undergo plastic surgery to her mouth at an Oklahoma City hospital Friday. The child was injured December 29 when she bit into a lamp cord at her parents’ home. She sustained a burn at the corner of her mouth and other small burns...Mr. and Mrs. Andy McCasland, of Devol, announce the arrival of a baby girl, Cindy Lou, born January 1 in a Wichita Falls hospital...Miss Frances Kay Priddy and William Keith LeBarre, both of Walters, exchanged wedding vows January 1, in the Nazarene church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Priddy, Walters, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Anna LeBarre, of Walters, and the late Mr. LeBarre... Mrs. Norma Jean Martin and David Martin were united in marriage Saturday evening in the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Odie Fisher, of Randlett. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Martin...The Dairy Queen, recently purchased by Pete Richards, is now open for business.

The Walters Herald Jan. 6, 1983

Marriage licenses were issued to: Robert Earl Hall, 20, and Deborah Sue Mitchell, 31, both of Temple; Robert J. Kidd and Donna D. Dakis, both of Walters; and Louis L. Colyer, 66, and Dorothy M. Speir, 64, both of Temple...A double ring ceremony January 1, in the First Baptist church in Walters, united Miss Brenda Sue Taylor and Barry Landon Hall in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Taylor, of Walters, while the groom is the son of Mr. Charles Hall, of Stillwaters, and Mrs. Joan Spannagel, of Walters... The home of Gary and Mitzi Copass was completely destroyed by fire on December 28.

The Temple Tribune Apr. 23, 1959

Dickie Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. (Dick) Evans, served as a page last week with the Oklahoma House of Representatives...Fred Clough, 36-year old teacher in the Ringling system for the past three years, has been employed as the Temple girls basketball coach and industrial arts teacher...Miss Dorothy Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll, will be worthy advisor of the Order of Rainbow for Girls for the coming term.