Looking Back


The Walters Herald Dec. 30, 1937

George Upchurch has purchased the Williams Oil and Gas station in Randlett from Jack Williams...Miss Wilma Baker, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker, became the bride of Joe Bertram, of Lawton, Thursday, in Lawton. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bertram, of Lawton... Miss Mattie Park, daughter of Mrs. A. V. Park, and Harrol Junkins, of Madill, were married December 22, at Duncan... Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ferguson have announced the marriage of their niece, Miss Dorothy Murphy, to Jack Merriott on December 25 at Duncan. The bride is the sister of Mrs. Jack Hales, of Oklahoma City, and is a senior in Walters high school. The groom is the son of Mrs. Betty Merriott, of Dallas. He attended Walters high school, and is now employed in Dallas, Texas...Frank Clark, former Walters banker, accepted the position of secretary-manager of the Walters chamber of commerce Thursday morning Curt Merriott, president, said. He will assume his duties as soon as he can be relieved of his duties as secretary of the Duncan Production Credit corporation.

The Walters Herald Dec. 27, 1962

A marriage license was issued to David Lowe, 20, and Hope Vernon, 15, both of Temple...New officers for the ensuing year were installed by the Randlett Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. Officers installed were: Maude Underwood, worthy matron; Minnis Wright, worthy patron; Helen Hopkins, associate matron; Hume Fuller, associate patron; Ruth Champion, conductress; Mary Wright, associate conductress...Mr. and Mrs. Don Logan, Walters, have chosen the name Ray Eric for their second son born December 19. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fletcher, all of Walters...Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wooten, 315 W. Nebraska, Walters, observed their 66th wedding anniversary Sunday, December 23. J. P. Wooten and the former Minnie Abell were married Dec. 23, 1896, near Greenville, Hunt county, Texas, where Mrs. Wooten was born and reared. Mr. Wooten was born in Paragould, Ark., and moved to Hunt county at the age of 16.

The Walters Herald Dec. 30, 1982

Allen and Vanessa Epp announce the birth of a son, Craig Allen, on December 17. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Epp, of Walters. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Shirley Seeton, of Ft. Worth...Mr. and Mrs. John L. Williams, of Randlett, will observe their Fiftieth Wedding anniversary on Sunday afternoon, January 2, in the civic room at the First National Bank in Burkburnett. John L. Williams and Wanda Kemp were married January 1, 1983, in Walters. They have lived in the Rabbit Creek and Randlett areas all of their lives...Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Nichols, of Randlett, will celebrate their Fiftieth Wedding anniversary with a reception at the Union Valley Baptist church on Sunday, January 2...Curt Merriott, former Walters resident and dry goods store operator, who now resides with his daughter, Christine LaFon, in Amarillo, Texas, recently celebrated his 99th birthday with a party at Burger King, where he has had lunch every week for five years. Mr. Merriott lived in Walters for 72 years, working as a merchant and businessman. He and his wife, Ethel, who has passed on, were parents of another daughter, Mae Ellen Barbee.

The Temple Tribune Apr. 9, 1959

The board of education Monday evening re-hired school cooks Mrs. Velma Mullins, Mrs. Dee Tarkington, Mrs. Fred Bridges, Mrs. Clarence Brown and Mrs. Dan McCoy. Bus drivers re-hired were E. E. Dilks, N. H. Stone, Bob McIntyre, Earl Cullum, Clarence Brown and Fred Park. Custodians re-hired were J. C. McClenny and Kermit C. Langford. Mrs. Geraldine Langford was re-hired as secretary.