JC Bunkhouse


Jesus First!


There was once an old cowboy that called Jesus his Boss and wasn’t ashamed nor afraid to proclaim Him. Yep, Jesus was the cowboy’s Lord and Savior! The ole’ cowboy would let others know that Jesus is First in all he does.

He wasn’t embarrassed at all! Where is that cowboy now. Well, he is ridin’ the home range. Jesus had fixed him up a place just for him, and he’s there now! Jesus talks about the place over in John 14!

How about y’all? Do you name Jesus as Boss? Is He Lord of your life? Do you give Him the credit He deserves for your life? Do you strive to put Jesus first in all things? Does He lead your trail on a daily basis? Or do you even allow Him to lead in anything? It’s a popular thing these days for cowboys, athletes, and other folks to tell others that they give Jesus all the credit for their success. But what if you’re not number one in the all-around? What if your pickup just broke down and your best horse turns up lame and the young lady you were sweet on decided she wanted to see some other guy? What do you do with Jesus then?

Or maybe it’s something more like, “Hey Jesus, I’ve got this really cool idea for doing church. I thought it up all on my own. If you like, you can bless it!” And, even if it is without His blessing, you go ahead and try and do it anyhow!”

And you call that putting Jesus in charge?

Or maybe you’re listening but you don’t have the faith… “You want me to do what? A cowboy church? What are you kidding? I don’t even want to pray in front of others, I can’t speak!” Moses tried that one. Over in Exodus 4, after the Lord told Moses to go free his people from bondage and lead them out of Egypt, Moses pleaded with the Lord, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."

Every time I read about Moses, I’m reminded about how it ain’t about me but it’s God. I am very limited but with God there are no limits on what He can accomplish through me! The Lord told Moses that He would get his brother Aaron to speak. And He would give them both the words to say.

But what does the Lord desire of me?

First, He wants you to come work for his spread. God is the owner of everything!

Psalms 50:10, For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.

He owns it all and the Son is in charge! Give your life to Christ! Ride for Him only! Put Him first in all things!

But we all live in a me world. I need this, I deserve that, I … …I am nothing without Christ. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Phil 4:13 And we must comprehend that Jesus is to have first place in all things. And that especially includes the church! It ain’t ours; it’s His!

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. (Col. 1:17-18 nasb)

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! And hey, y’all let us all be of one accord and pray for some rain on this parched land! Amen