JC Bunkhouse


All to Him I Owe!


I hope everyone had a great Easter! The weather was sure good for families being together! I’m sure that the kids hunted and found a lot of eggs that the parents and grandparents had to hide. It is important to remember that Easter is not about eggs or bunnies.

Jesus did an amazing thing. He gave His life and then rose from the grave that we may have eternal life. Some folks wonder how and why He did it. Well, it’s a God thing! He did it for all of us. He that was without sin took on the sins of the world.

Yet, some still doubted. I guess it is understandable, Thomas was one of Jesus’ disciples and even he doubted. They always had to prove everything to ole’ Thomas, But Jesus made sure that even Thomas had no doubt. It’s awesome, how when we need evidence of Jesus, He touches our hearts, and without a doubt we do know! Yep, it is definitely a God thing!

I’ve had the opportunity to watch many calves born over the years during March. Yes, I’ve seen it a thousand times. And Lord knows, I’ve had to come in and assist with more of those births than I’d care to mention, but seeing a newborn calf come from its mama is truly a God thing!

The cow gets up and turns around and starts lickin’ that calf off; and, in just a few minutes, that calf is up and nursing for the first time. Yep, she’d be standing right there on four legs. And in just a little bit she’s out running around like there’s nothing to it. It’s a God thing!

How could anyone ever be convinced that the Master Creator didn’t put the world into existence? The short version answer: They can’t, it’s a God thing and it’s all about Jesus!

I was present at Cheryl’s side for the birth of both of our two children. Awesome! God formed them in the womb, they were able to be nurtured there and when it was time, out they came. I remember how they each had their own personalities, even during those first moments on the outside as they began to experience life away from the protection of the womb. Miracles! And less than a year ago we got to see our seventh grandchild born. Six boys and one girl! It’s a God thing! I think they’re about done.

Back to the weeks after the resurrection, Jesus remained here on earth for another forty days after He arose! And in just a few days after He ascended, as He had promised, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us. The Church was on its way. Peter preached. Others preached as well. Many, many people came to Christ and the Good News spread like wildfire. It’s a God thing!

Now, there were some setbacks. The early church suffered terrible persecution from those same religious leaders that put Jesus on the cross. But it wasn’t just those fellers that put our Lord on the cross. All of us had a part in it. Jesus didn’t go to the cross because of some folks that weren’t obeying God; He went to the cross to pay the sin debt for every last one of us. When we turn our lives over to Jesus our sins are left at the foot of that cross. That’s what John 3:16 is all about and that is a God thing! For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

God is at work in each one of us. If we will just be still, quiet, and listen He’ll tell us His plans for us. For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 nasb)

It’s simple. Jesus will be returning someday soon and there are folks from all backgrounds and from all over that would never know Christ without you and me telling them. It’s a God thing!

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! And hey, y’all let us all be of one accord and pray for some rain on this parched land! Amen!