JC Bunkhouse


Here Comes 2022

Y’all hold on to your hats! Here goes! I’m gonna be optimistic about this new year called 2022!

God’s goin’ to bless us I already know. Now, I can’t tell you everything we do will turn to money. I can’t even tell you that you’ll have a good garden or a 100% calf crop! But if you’ll live your life for Christ, follow Him, and not hold anything back, then you will be blessed! I can make resolutions about how I’ll act and how I’ll lose weight, and how I won’t have bad things come out of my mouth, but the truth is I must choose to seek God and follow Him! One of the best ways we can go about doin’ all these things is to put Him first and, well, just help out my neighbor. Help others.

Yep, I’ve tried doin’ those things in the past, but it never came to much of anything. Isaiah, the prophet, writes: "Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:18-19 nasb)

He wants to do something new. But we want to keep diggin’ up the past. We hang out back there way too much. God says let it go. I’m doing something new, so pay attention! And we must seek the answer to the question, “Is it my idea or is it God’s? Now understand, there are a lot of times when it is actually God’s idea but we try to take the credit for it. And other times, it’s our idea and we try to get God to think it was His plan. Ask me how that works out? Okay, not very well!

Whatever kind of new resolutions for 2022 there might be, we need to ask the question, “God is this Your desire for me?” And if it isn’t what He wants you to do… then what?

WELL… like I mentioned above, I’ll tell Him about it and get Him to come along side me.

Then it will be alright. After all, I should get to make a decision, every once in a while, without putting God first-shouldn’t I?

The sad thing is that we try to do it way too often. We decide to do something without first running it by the Boss. We bring God in on it after we already messed it up and want Him to bless it.

We get involved in some project or such that’s not bad, and it is even kind of worthwhile from our own earthly perspective, but was it His plan? No, likely not.

Concerning such things as making new resolutions, most of us go back to being the same person we’ve always been because we fail to give it over to God. Resolutions are hard to keep Resolutions are hard to keep because they are something that we decide to do on our own. If we want to see a change in 2022, we need to get on the same page with God!

“But how do I do that? He won’t ever listen to me.” That’s just it, He hears us, but we don’t hear Him! We need to do a lot more listenin’ than talkin’!

When we pray, we need to quit cutting Him off from the conversation. I have been guilty of saying wants and then just saying amen. It’s like we just push the mute button. There is so much He wants to tell us.

God sent His Son! Jesus! He can take what’s broke and fix us! He did it with His blood!

Are you ready for the Lord to do something new with you? It’s time we quit hirin’ out to the world and ride for Christ! Are you ready? Seek Him and let Him know you’re ready to ride for

His CrossJC brand!

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! Pray for the rain! Amen!