JC Bunkhouse


Workin’ God’s Sick Pen

Livestock health doesn’t always work out so good. I can remember receiving loads of not so healthy stocker calves in the past. Usually one can make it work with the help of some medicine and care.

We, as people, can often be like those calves. We are sin sick sinners and we’re in need of some major spiritual healing. God already knew that!

Enter Jesus Christ! He heals all who will receive Him! He wants to show us Mercy and Grace.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (nasb)

Wages of sin is death – God’s mercy

Free gift of God is life – God’s grace

Let’s stay with that comparison of sinful man to those calves. There might be several different products that will work to help get those calves well, but there is only one cure for sinful man. Jesus!

Have you ever noticed how a calf or most any animal will try to run from the help we want to provide? Mankind tends to want to run much like those calves try to run away from us when we go to run them through a chute to doctor ‘em.

We (mankind) are sick with sin, and we run. Our friends run. First thing you know, most of mankind is runnin’ from God.


Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God!”

As sinners, we run. Why? Most don’t know why, but generally, they don’t want to get caught. They’re afraid knowing Jesus will change them. Well, that’s the idea ain’t it? Just like givin’ them calves a shot to make them well, we need a full dose of Jesus to have life eternal!

But as sinners, we don’t know what is going to happen to us, so we run.

Question: “What is the hardest thing for a lost person to receive about following Christ?”

Answer #1: “Why do I need to be saved, I’m really a nice person when you get down to it?” And you hear them say things like: “I try to be a good person.” “I normally do what’s right.” “I’ve never done the “bad” stuff.” “I’m really not that bad of a person. But, I believe in God.”

NO, being good isn’t the way to being a follower of Christ and it doesn’t get you to heaven!

And it would be really cool if we could just prod folks with a hot shot and run them through a chute and give them all a shot and they would be over their sin sickness. But it just doesn’t work that way. And believing God exists won’t do it. Jesus must be Lord. We actually have to follow Him! It requires meeting up with Jesus Christ. It’s all about a personal relationship.

Maybe you don’t know about God’s mercy and the grace of Jesus the Son. You know you are lost without Him and you’ve been running from God for a long time. He’s asked you to surrender your life to Him, but for whatever reason, you’ve said no. It’s time to stop running away and start running to Jesus. His forgiveness will make you well! Watch and see.

Be sure and don’t forget to get dunked in the tank!

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! Pray for the rain! Amen!