JC Bunkhouse


Old Charlie (a favorite)

  • JC Bunkhouse
    JC Bunkhouse

A while back, Old Charlie rode up to his mailbox and found a letter there. There was no stamp and no return address! He had to go up to the ranch house, which was more like a shack, and get his reading spectacles so he would know what the letter even said!

Dear Charlie,

I will be out by the ranch Saturday afternoon, and I’d really like to stop in and visit with you.

Love Always, Jesus

Old Charlie thought, “But why me, Lord, I don’t always make it to Sunday gather.” He suddenly realized he had nothing to feed his Lord. He had ate up the last of the crippled cow he had butchered. He reached in his front pocket and pulled out a 2 dollar bill he’d been saving back, and three ones and two bits plus 3 old wheat pennies. In today’s world, $5.28, won’t buy much of a meal.

Charlie grabbed his one good coat and saddled his horse and rode to town. It was a nice early spring day, but just a little on the cold side. “How am I ever gonna feed my Lord?”

When he walked out of the store he had bought a bag of beans, a pound of smoked roast beef, and a loaf of bread. He remembered what Jesus had done with just five loaves of bread and a couple of fish. The store keep had been generous as Charlie still had two dimes left.

He walked out of the store feeling pretty good about it. And then as he walked around the corner by where his horse was tied, he heard a voice down the alleyway. There was a young couple there. The man addressed him, “Sir, we’ve had to move out of our house and we have no place to go. We’re cold and hungry and my wife is pregnant.”

They were dirty and stunk pretty bad—even by Old Charlie’s standards. Charlie told them, “I’d like to help you, but all I’ve got is this food right here and I’m planning to feed a special guest tomorrow night.”

The man said, “It’s okay, sir, we understand.”

Charlie started to climb up in the saddle and something just stopped him right there. “Sir, wait!” The couple turned and saw Charlie coming back. “Hey, why don’t you take this food; I’ll find something else for my guest.” And Charlie gave them his two dimes as well! Charlie also remembered a room down at the livery where they could stay.

The young lady was crying now and she was shivering. “Thank you, sir.” Well, Charlie just took off his one good coat and put it over the woman’s shoulders.

“It’s okay; I have other coats at home.” Old Charlie suddenly didn’t feel quite so old anymore.

But Charlie was plum chilled by the time he got home. There was another letter in the mailbox. Dear Charlie,

It sure was good to see you again, today. Thanks for the meal. The beans and roast beef sandwich hit the spot. And thanks for the warm coat!

Love always, Jesus

Matt. 25:35,40: For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. …I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

That’s the Jesus I know and serve. God is good! Are you ridin’ His trail? I needed this!

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! Pray for the rain! Amen!