First Baptist Church


‘Twas A Week Before Christmas


‘Twas a week before Christmas and all through the land,

Not a creature wasn’t shopping, yes, even a man!

The credit cards were humming through machines without care,

In hopes that they could pay when all the bills got there.

The children were whining about this and that, Hoping Mom had forgotten they mistreated the cat. With Mom shopping Lawton and Father at home, They both heaped up carts to a precarious dome.

Mom and Dad filled up their carts in a flash And spent all their money, yes, all of their cash. When in the newspaper, there arose a reminder, That Christmas is about Christ and being a bit kinder.

When on their way home, they stopped for a rest, They began to think of all the ways they were blessed. They had family and friends, cars and a home, They had money for vacation and even to roam.

As they sat there and soaked up their reasons to thank,