Looking Back


The Walters Herald Dec. 23, 1937

Bob Lines, former Walters city manager, was appointed to succeed Andy Carver, present city manager, January 15, the date Carver’s resignation becomes effective. Carver plans to enter private business...Frank Roland and Jack Willard have purchased the stock and leased the Skelly Retail Filling Station from Jack Copeland, who will continue to operate the wholesale side... Miss Aline Jo Ann Revell and Charles Douglas Jackson were married September 25 at Duncan, and just now revealed. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Revell, of the Ahpeatone community. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jackson, of near Walters... Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Mooney are parents of a daughter, born December 6...Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dunbar are parents of a son, Ernest Lee, born December 19... Dear Santa, We are a little girl and boy, seven and three years old. I would like a pretty doll with curly hair and goes to sleep and a Shirley Temple pencil box. My little brother would like to have a scooter with roller skate wheels and a little train. Marilyn and Gail Varner...Dear Santa, Please bring me a big doll with curly hair, a doll bed, a set of dishes, a piano and chair and table and a blue coat for my doll. I am five years old. Lavera Chockpoyah...A trailer pin, patented two weeks ago by H. Landis, who has a welding shop here, has been placed on the market in Walters. The pin is a safety device and locks itself on the trailer. It has no nuts, wires or keys about it. Miss Lydia Landis also is interested in the patent.

The Walters Herald Dec. 20, 1962

First Lieutenant Charles E. Myers, of Lawton, recently assumed command of the Walters National Guard unit, Troop B, 2nd Recon Squadron of 245th Armor. Lt. Myers replaces Capt. Donnie J. Bryan, formerly of Walters, who moved from the area late in August...The wedding of Donald Veach, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Veach, of Walters, to Marilyn Sample, will be an event of December 21 in the Whitaker Baptist church in Paragon, Ind...A marriage license was issued to Carl Haggerty, 20, and Rebecca Worsham, 18, both of Temple...Dear Santa, I want a baby kissie doll, a baby chatty doll and a training bicycle with little tiny wheels on the back. Love, Gayla Snyder.

The Walters Herald Dec. 23, 1982

Kyle and Christy Lewis, of Temple, are the parents of a baby girl, Lindsey Rae, born December 17. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tab Lewis, of Hastings. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Stone, of Altus...Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Zachary will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary with a reception in their home at 413 W. Mississippi, in Temple...

Jim and Ann King announce the birth of a baby boy, Justin Ray, born December 15. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Newman. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ramond King, all of Walters.

The Temple Tribune Apr. 2, 1959

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Driskill on March 27. He has been named Jay Lynn. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hancock, Walters. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vern Driskill, Temple...Don R. “Pete” Bone was elected president of the board of education Tuesday night, succeeding J. T. Wyatt, whose term expired last Tuesday with the election of Wesley W Bowles to the board. Other officers named were John Ed Dowlen, vice president, formerly clerk, and Herman C. Hooper, clerk. Members are Bowles and Dick Evans.