JC Bunkhouse


Well, I looked on the calendar the other day to see what was up for February, and there was St. Valentine’s Day is right in the middle of the month! Now, y’all know that cowboys and rednecks and such don’t much go in for making a deal out of things such as flowers, heart candy, and the like. But most of us know that our wives love it when we get them somethin’ for Valentine’s Day. I’m not talkin’ about spendin’ a lot of money. Just make it special. She gets that look in her eye and a smile on her face and she says, “Thank you, dear! I love you, too!”

But you’re thinkin’ “Is all that really necessary? She knows I love her; after all, I married her.”

Careful, that line of thinkin’ can get you a cast iron frying pan sized lump on your head.

Over the years, I have gone several times to the flower store and picked up some flowers for my wife and also my daughter. Now, please understand that little boys ain’t so much into their dad getting them flowers and such.

I’m no expert in this area, but it’s just important stuff to remember. Now guys listen up here, your wife may be a practical gal and try to tell you she doesn’t really like or need flowers and such. But don’t use that as an excuse. Just save yourself a lot of headache, and go buy the flowers. A diamond ring or a new car might do just as well, so be sure you plan accordingly.

Just sayin’… I’ve shared a story for years somehow pertaining to a feller’s love for his wife. I don’t recall for sure where I first heard it: A cowboy and his wife are seen ridin’ together in his pickup. One feller had observed this one day and said to his buddy, "You know, it seems like ole Bob takes his wife with him everywhere he goes." His friend turns to him and says, "Yep, think about it, it is because he just can’t stand to kiss her—goodbye!" What the world needs now is love, real agape love (Greekunconditional, self-sacrificing love) for one another. If we ride Jesus’ trail, we must love as He loves.

As a test, a Pharisee asked Jesus which Commandment is greatest. And He said to him, “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.”; This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.&” (Matthew 22:37-39) Jesus teaches us that we are to love God and love our neighbor. That sounds simple enough. But who’s our neighbor. You may remember the parable of the Good Samaritan. He told of how aman was attacked by thieves and left to die. A priest and then a Levite came by; they avoidedthe man like the plague. But then a Samaritan came by and felt compassion upon him. Hehelped him by treating his wounds and nursing him to health. He did so even at great cost. It wasthis man who was a true neighbor even unto someone he did not know. And he expected nothingin return. If you see another feller in need then figure a way to be of help.

Love God, love your neighbor. Do we really believe and follow that instruction? Does God trulyhave 1 st place in everything? Is Jesus Lord of all? He paid the price that we may have life!

And guys, don’t forget to get somethin’ proper for your gal on Valentine’s Day.

Choose Jesus, choose life! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST!

And y’all KEEP PRAYIN’ for RAIN! Amen