JC Bunkhouse


New Things

We all remember the good ‘ole days? Let’s quit going here. It’s time to quit reliving those days and seek what we are to do with our future! Why do we not leave the past n the past? I could get specific, but y’all no doubt have memory. We always want to recall and dwell upon the events of the past.

The prophet Isaiah points out, "Do not call to ind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:18-19 nasb) He wants to do something new. We want to keep digging up the old. God says let it go. I’m doing something new, so pay attention!

We must ask ourselves, “Is it my idea or is it God’s?” Now understand, a lot of times it is God’s idea, but we try to take the credit for it.

Whatever our new plans might be, we need to ask the question, “God is this your desire for me?”

And what if it isn’t what He wants you to set as a riority… then what?

WELL… I’ll just tell Him about it and convince Him to come along side me. Then it will be awright. After all, I should get to make a decision on my own every once in a while.

The sad thing is that we often do just that. We decide to do something without first running it by the Boss.

We get involved in things that are okay and even worthwhile from our own earthly perspective, but is it always truly what God wants us to do?

Think about it, most of us go back to doing the same old thing because that’s the way we’ve always done it. We need to get on the same page with God!

“But how do I do that? He won’t listen to me.” NO, He hears you, but it’s more like you have the radio on another station. Or maybe you pushed the mute button because it’s just easier when you do that.

“Hey, I have this one habit that I know God wants me to let go, but I just don’t see no harm. It’s not hurting anyone else and it’s not exactly mentioned as a sin in the Bible. I’ve looked.”

God is wanting to transform your life and make you useful in every area according to His plan and you don’t see the harm in (fill in the blank). And you tell me you are wanting to get closer to God but for some reason, you just keep coming up short? Really!

God sent His Son! His name is Jesus! He can take the broken and fix ‘em up good as new!

Yes, God takes the busted hardened clay of your life and makes it pliable again so He can remold you into something new and awesome that He can use for His purpose!

The above scripture from Isaiah 43 was shared by the prophet Isaiah to God’s chosen people, Israel. They had been taken captive and were in bondage in Babylon. They were prisoners in a foreign land. Many wondered why God had allowed this; but in reality, they had done it to themselves when they turned away from His Lordship. But God told them He would do something new, and they better take notice and join Him.

He is telling us the same thing. It’s time we quit hirin’ out to the world and just ride for Christ! Are you ready? He’s coming back. Seek Him and let Him know you’re ready to ride again!

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! And hey, y’all let us all be of one accord and pray for RAIN on this land! Amen!