Are You Crazy?


I have it on good authority that there are folks who are sayin’ that the folks down at the churchain’t quite right. A few have even mentioned crazy. Might this be your local church?

Why might they say we are crazy? Other words include: deranged, insane, senseless, bizarre–just to name a few! If you were to picture crazy in you mind, you might see a friend or two.

Some of you might see my handsome mug! Or maybe you would just need to look in the mirror.

What about it Christians? Are we really crazy? Paul has something to say here.

In 2 Corinthians 5:13 Paul writes: If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. (nlt) Amen!

I ask you, are you crazy? Just look at the awesome sport of rodeo – In what is usually the final event of the evening, grown men will intentionally set out to ride a bull for 8 seconds while earning “style” points. And then there are guys who for some reason want to get on the rankest bucking, snorting, biting, kicking horse ever made when there are plenty of perfectly good horses available that a guy could ride all day. Others will run down a calf and throw him over just to let him go. It’s not just guys, cowgirls will ride their horses like the wind in order to run circles around 55 gallon barrels only to get back to where they started. Whoever gets back the quickest wins.

And that’s just regular rodeo – what about ranch rodeo – with events like wild cow milking & mugging. Who in their right mind? Yep, exactly – crazy!

Have you ever seen a Mexican Charreada? – They’ve got events like jumping off a one perfectly good running horse on to another rank and wild horse, or steer tailing, or horse tripping.

Unbelievable crazy!

What about other things that you and your neighbors are involved in? How about hunting?

Duck hunters get out of bed way before sunup, go hide out in freezing weather just waiting on ducks to fly over so you can shoot them. And then there’s those crazy guys with beards making duck calls and no telling what else. And deer hunters – sitting in a blind for hours –freezing cold, raining, with the wind blowing.

And it’s not just cowboys and rednecks. How ‘bout bungee jumping, now there’s a thinkin’ man’s sport. Or whacking a golf ball with a club until it falls in a hole, only to pick it up and do it seventeen more times!

Yep! – God is Awesome –people are CRAZY, and God loves us anyway.

People in the Bible were crazy for God. Isaiah went about naked and barefoot for three years.

Ezra ripped off his clothes and pulled out his hair with grief because God’s people would not obey God. Amos went around with a plumb line telling people they needed to line up with God.

And in the New Testament, John the Baptist wore clothes of camel hair, ate locusts and wild honey, all while roaming in the wilderness for God. Peter would cut off ears. The 12 disciples

left their livelihoods and their families, so they could roam the countryside learning from Jesus.

And today the Word of God is still being preached, people are getting’ saved and cowboys,

rednecks and all manner of folks are gettin’ saved and dunked in the water!

Yes, being a Christian requires faith. I pray that God continues to make me “crazy” enough to tell others about Jesus and how He died for our sins and how God raised Him from the dead and How He has gone to His Father’s place to get it ready for us. That’s not crazy, it’s awesome!

Choose Jesus, choose life and let your light shine! And find a Bible believin’ church where you “fit in” and know, grow, and follow Christ! Tell others! See y’all at church and keep PRAYIN’ for HIS HARVEST! And hey, y’all let us all be of one accord and pray for RAIN and COOL on this parched land! Amen.