Stop The Rise Of A Nuclear Iran


Barely beginning his second year, President Joe Biden is already in the running for the most damaging administration to U.S. interests in quite some time. Under his watch, the terrorist-led Taliban has regained power in Afghanistan and Vladimir Putin has directed an unprovoked invasion against Russia’s innocent neighbor in the most unjustified, brazen and destabilizing act of European aggression since World War II. Next up, President Biden is alarmingly renegotiating the ill-advised, Obama-era nuclear deal with the Iranian terrorist regime. If the Biden Administration proceeds further, Iran stands to be handsomely rewarded – again – for its rogue pursuit of nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missile technology.

After former President Barack Obama negotiated the original Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015, it not only relieved Iran from international sanctions and effectively allowed resumption of the country’s nuclear pursuits, but it also failed to close the pathway for Iran to develop nuclear weapons and related technology to use against the United States and our allies. Moreover, as weak as the agreement was, Iran did not even act in compliance with all the requirements to limit the number of centrifuges to build, reduce its enriched uranium stockpile, require research and development only take place at Natanz and much more. Egregiously, the agreement failed to require conventional strong, direct monitoring and inspection processes for key nuclear sites and verify compliance.

After it was clear that this deal allowed Iran to get out from under international sanctions and effectively resume its nuclear pursuits, former President Donald Trump finally approached Iran’s inconsistent and unreliable commitment to denuclearization by rightly withdrawing the U.S. from the agreement and reimposing tough sanctions. These sanctions were an excellent start to put pressure on Iran to achieve an agreement that is more transparent, comprehensive and enforceable while protecting the safety and security of our nation and our allies.

Designated as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984, Iran has demonstrated time and time again that it cannot be trusted. In fact, just a few weeks ago, the Iran Revolutionary Guard openly launched a missile attack toward a U.S. consulate in Iraq. This shows what an absolute joke it is for the Biden Administration to trust this regime to not only abide by its word, but to do so under the same failed policies of the Obama Administration. By negotiating with the terrorist regime, the Biden Administration is risking our nation’s security for an agreement that would undoubtedly increase volatility in the Middle East and ultimately maintain the way for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.

It is long past time for the president and his advisors get a grip on reality and suspend round two of the “American Apology Tour.” It seems like every time there is a chance to project strength on behalf of the United States, they miss the moment and show more concern for appearances than leading. The only language our adversaries understand is strength. There should be no more aircraft loads of hard currency departing for Tehran. Before enormous concessions are made to Iran without clear, absolute and verifiable action in return, I urge the Biden Administration to pause and reflect on how this went last time. I shudder to think what is next. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un must be relishing for his own turn at the table with this Administration.