Walters City Council Met On October 1, 2019


The Walters City Council met on October 1, 2019 in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall. Those present were; Mayor Roberta Ellis; Vice-Mayor David Mitchell and Councilmen Steve Mc-Cammon; City Manager Shawn Strange; and City Clerk Sheri Davis. Councilmen Richard Anderson and Bob Nance and City Attorney Hyman Copeland were absent.

David Mitchell opened the meeting with prayer.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Visitors present were Accounts Payable Clerk Karla Eschiti, Water Superintendent Billy Bruce and Code Enforcement officer Candy Simms.

TheWaltersPublicSchools Honor Society is hosting another Trunk or Treat on Broadway again this Halloween. They are asking permission to block off South Broadway from Nevada to Washington street from 5:00 to 6:00 on 10/31/2019. A motion was made and approved to approve the annual Trunk or Treat.

A motion was made and approved to approve the Planning and Zoning regular meeting minutes.

A motion was made and approved to approve the Planning and Zoning Special meeting minutes.

The Fire Department asked for approval to apply for a REAP Grant to purchase a Rescue Truck. If awarded this grant the department is going to replace a 40 year old rescue truck. A motion was made and approved to approve the Fire Department to apply for the REAP Grant.

Under new business City Manager reminded council that the Car Cruz is this weekend and we are hosting a Disc Golf tournament at Sultan Park on Saturday October 5th as well. The Volunteer Fireman are feeding the Disc golfers for donations. We are also having a private tournament at the Golf Course on the 19th of October for a Church from Lawton. The School will also be having the Homecoming bon fire at Sultan Park on the evening of October 10th. That is all of the new business.