Walters City Council Met On December 3, 2019


The Walters City Council met on December 3, 2019 in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall. Those present were; Mayor Roberta Ellis; Vice-Mayor David Mitchell, Councilmen Steve McCammon, Richard Anderson and Bob Nance; City Manager Shawn Strange; City Clerk Sheri Davis; and City Attorney Hyman Copeland.

David Mitchell opened the meeting with prayer.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Visitors present were Accounts Payable Clerk Karla Eschiti, Code Enforcement officer Candy Simms, County Commissioner Mike Woods, Account Receivable clerk Ashley Williams and Independent Auditor Chris Angel.

Chris Angel with Angel Johnston and Blassingame came to the meeting to present to the Council the Audit for FY 2018/2019. Chris was pleased to tell Council that there were no significant findings. A motion was made and approved the Annual Audit.

A motion was made and approved to allow the Fire Department to apply for the Wichita Falls area Community Foundation Grant, in partnership with the Priddy Foundation. This year the Fire Department would like to purchase Bunker gear, boots and lights if awarded this grant.

A motion was made and approved to approve the November 12, 2019 Planning and Zoning special meeting minutes with a stipulation that the property reverts back to R1 after 1 year if no home is placed on the property, if the Mobile home is moved or if the land is sold.

A motion was made and approved to approve the projected dates for the 2020 council meetings.

Discuss and consider approval of the Board of Adjustments meeting minutes. This meeting was to approve the sign at the First Baptist Church. They needed a 25-foot variance for the sign and a 12 sq. ft variance for the bulletin board portion of the sign. Council asked if this was in fact the set backs that are within the guidelines of ODOT, Code enforcement officer Candy Simms ensured them it was. A motion was made and approved to approve the minutes of the Board of Adjustments meeting.

Discuss, review and possible approval of Ordinance #563 an ordinance pertaining to Medical Marijuana. Attorney Hyman Copeland stated that this item needed to be tabled again to have more time to put this into ordinance due to all of the new laws. No action taken.

It is time for the City to renew the Anti-virus software. We are currently with Kaspersky, we would like to go with Eset. Eset is more expensive but our IT company feels like they are more secure. A motion was made and approved to go with Eset.

City Manager asked Council for a determined amount to spend at an auction coming up on December 14th in Marlow. There were a few items the City could use if the price is right. One item is a brush hog. A motion was made and approved to allow Shawn to attend the auction and make the purchases if he sees fit.

A motion was made and approved to go into executive session.

A motion was made and approved to come out of executive session.

Attorney Hyman Copeland stated the only discussion was the item on the agenda.

A motion was made and approved to approve the City Manager contract with the change of reviewing every 6 months to once per year and with the salary change.

Under new business City Manager reminded council about the parade on Saturday the 6th and we have an electrical issue found while installing the new heat and air unit on the police training room. Council will meet at noon on Friday, December 6th to discuss this issue. Also under new business County Commissioner Mike Woods wanted the Council to be aware of some of the issues going on with our ambulance service. The contract the county has with the ambulance is not up until June of 2020 and sometimes they are not in town and our dispatch has been having to call Grandfield.