Looking Back


The Walters Herald

Dec. 20, 1934

Mr. and Mrs. Wes Martin of the Emerson Community are the parents of a baby girl born Saturday evening, December

15. They gave her the name of Odessa Ann...The wedding of Miss Hazel Stafek and Othor Gammill, both of Devol, was solemnized Sunday, December 16 at Cookietown... Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Varner of the Lone Star Community northeast of Walters, have announced the birth of a baby son at their home on Thursday, December 13...Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luke have announced the arrival of a baby son, Harold, Jr., born at Temple Monday, December 17, at the home of her parents...Dear Santa, I am a little girl five years old. Please bring me an embroidery set and a doll in a basket. My little brother, Richard, wants a big red ball. Your little friend, Elsie Fletcher...Dear Santa, I am a little boy three years old. I want a wagon and a tricycle, a truck and a big ball, also some apples, oranges, candy and nuts. Love, Robert Bridges.

The Walters Herald

Dec. 17, 1959

Sherb Fisk, Postmaster at Walters, is the Chamber of Commerce President for 1960. Joining Fisk as officers in the business group will be Pete Richards, retiring President, as Vice President, and Bud Longueville, long-time Treasurer... Miss Marietta Martin and Kenneth Dunbar were united in marriage November 14, at the Emerson Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Wesley Martin, of Walters, and the late Wesley Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dunbar, of Walters, are parents of the bridegroom...Dear Santa, I want a toy truck, a toy work set, a toy dump truck. And my Mamma wants a new dress and a new refrigerator. Larry Tomah...John R. Reynolds, executive Vice President of Walters National Bank, was made an honorary 4-H Club member by the County 4-H Council in a recent meeting. Reynolds was cited for his untiring efforts in advancing youth work in Cotton County.

The Walters Herald

Dec. 20, 1979

Lloyd Sharpe, City of Walters Street Department Superintendent, retired this week. A retirement party for him was held at the City Hall...Miss Cynthia Renee Bridgers and Robert Allen Red Elk pledged wedding vows December 14, in the Fair Baptist Church, east of Lawton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bridgers, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Roberta Selby, all of Walters...A marriage license was issued to Steven Knifechief, 29, of Pawnee, and Julian Monoessy, 24, of Walters...Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. Please bring me a gun and holster set, a Twisty Train and if I cannot have a baby sheep, I’ll take a puppy dog. Johnny Kitchen...Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wayne Musgrove, of Faxon, announce the birth of a son, Derrick Wayne, on December 14. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Musgrove, of Geronimo. Maternal grandparents are Mrs. Ethel Fletcher, of Faxon, and Carl Fletcher, of Walters.

The Temple Tribune

Mar. 20, 1947

A son was born in the Holsted maternity ward March 5, to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tullos of Randlett Route 5. He has been named Dale Wayne...A boy was born in the Holsted maternity ward March 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Louie Riddles of Temple. His name is Louie Raymond, Jr...Carl Reed resigned this week as Manager of the Sears B. & O. Store. Mr. Reed succeeded George Brown as manager and carried on during the wartime and postwar periods.