Webinar: Mapping Riverscapes To Support Productive And Resilient Working Lands


Healthy riverscapes, with connected floodplains and rich riparian wetlands, are critical pieces of natural infrastructure that reduce the risk of floods, drought, and wildfire, and increase the resiliency of water resources, working lands, and rural economies. Managing rivers and streams as systems that include riparian wetlands helps maximize these benefits.

On May 2 at 2:00 p.m. eastern, Dr. Joseph Wheaton, a professor of riverscapes in the Department of Watershed Sciences with Utah State University; and Jeremy Maestas, a sagebrush ecosystems specialist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service Western National Technical Support Center, will share new findings on effectively targeting wetland restorations in the riverscapes of the intermountain West during our one-hour Conservation Outcomes Webinar. This webinar will provide key takeaways from a study, co-developed by Utah State University and NRCS-led Conservation Effects Assessment Project, on leveraging the Valley Bottom Extraction Tool (VBET) to identify current wetland and riverscape health in key Western U.S. watersheds, create tools to inform conservation, and document outcomes of restoration efforts. Findings may be used to support conservation planning and assessment, and on-the-ground management decisions, in riverscapes across the region.

No registration is required to attend this free, virtual webinar. Visit the Conservation Outcomes Webinar Series webpage below for additional information, including access instructions.

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